Initiation of test trials of P1 in Hungary and Spain

As part of the process of validation of prototypes envisaged in the project, along May, test trials of prototype 1 have been initiated in Spain and Hungary. The objective of these trials is to know the impressions of the end-users for this first version of the application and thus, determine the degree of satisfaction and then, use this information to improve CoME in the upcoming prototypes, ensuring in this way a user-centred design.

Although this prototype only covers basic functionalities of the senior interface, informal caregivers have also participated in these trials as added value to determine the advantages and disadvantages that CoME could have for seniors.

As initial impression of the interviews it can be determined that, despite the low maturity of this first prototype, end-users initially perceive CoME as an easy tool, with well-defined functionalities and intuitive that they are willing to use.