
CoME op het AAL Forum 2018 in Bilbao (Spanje)

Het laatste jaarlijkse evenement van het Active en Assistive Living programma (AAL) werd afgelopen 24-26 september in Bilbao (Spanje) gehouden.

Aan dit forum, dat speciale aandacht gaf aan pre-marktfasen van AAL-technologieën en -oplossingen, nam ook CoME deel, vertegenwoordigd door PBN (Hongarije) en ConnectedCare (Nederland). En dat wekte veel belangstelling bij de deelnemers.

Ook namen de aanwezigen van beide organisaties deel aan verschillende interactieve sessies en workshops waar verschillende ideeën voor de toekomstige commercialisering van CoME, die zich momenteel in de laatste fase van zijn ontwikkeling bevindt, zijn verzameld.

Het forum was zeer nuttig vanuit het oogpunt van disseminatie en exploitatie, met zeer interessante ideeën die zijn uitgewisseld welke zullen worden gedeeld met de rest van partners in de volgende algemene vergadering van het CoME-project.

CoME promotionele video

Om CoME bij het grote publiek te brengen en potentiële “stakeholders” en gebruikers aan te trekken, heeft het projectconsortium een promotievideo gemaakt met details over de functies en functionaliteiten van CoME en de voordelen ervan voor preventie en detectie. van cognitieve stoornissen.

Als u de video wilt openen, klikt u op de volgende link.

Christmas meeting with end-users in PBN

Pannon Business Network Association organized a Christmas meeting on the 19th of December 2017 for their seniors, who are participating in the testing of the CoME project in order to thank them their enthusiastic participation. All of the end users presented were satisfied with the development of the CoME platform’s second prototype and they are waiting keenly for the new functionalities to appear!

CoME: Poster

Als onderdeel van de verspreidingsactiviteiten voor CoME heeft het hele Consortium een promotieaffiche gemaakt met de doelen en voordelen die CoME zal hebben voor zorgverleners en ouderen die betrokken zijn bij verschillende fasen van het proces van cognitieve stoornissen.

CoME in Lleida (Spanje): Nieuws gepubliceerd in verschillende lokale kranten

Verschillende lokale kranten hebben het bezoek van de CoME Consortium-leden aan de faculteit Nursery and Physiotherapy van de University of Lleida (UdL) herhaald, die als ontmoetingspunt voor de halfjaarlijkse volgende vergadering was geselecteerd.
Dit nieuws is zeer gericht op de functionaliteiten aangeboden door CoME, evenals de voordelen die dit platform zal hebben voor de bevolking met een risico op milde cognitieve stoornissen.

AAL Forum, Coimbra (Portugal)

Every year, AAL organize a meeting to call together the representatives of the interested organizations, who have ambitions to improve the quality of life of seniors with modern technology.
Two partners of the CoME partnership (Pannon Business Network, University of Geneva) were present there to give information about the project and, of course, to promote it.
A lot of interesting ideas and solutions were presented there, a few of them even had elements similar to CoME, so the participation was useful for the members of the team and they got back to work refreshed and motivated to practise the new knowledge!

Promote CoME to the Retired Federation of Szombathely and recruit end users (Hungary)

The Pannon Business Network Association (PBN) is eager to involve more and more seniors with different stages of health conditions into CoME.
It is a very important task as an end user organization, because the main aim of the tests is to get diverse feedback of the platform and measuring process from the participating seniors depending on their different needs, that the team of CoME would like to provide them.
That is why PBN contacted with one of the biggest local retired federation and agreed on an event to present the members what CoME could give to them, if they would like to join to the testing.
Almost 30 seniors were present in the meeting and some of them showed real interest and would like to self-monitor their health parameters.
The next step by PBN is to involve them and give them proper instructions to enjoy CoME!

CoME Project Meeting at Lleida

On 20th and 21th November the third CoME project meeting is taking place. 10 researchers, business, and healthcare specialist are working together during the meeting in order to come with a common approach on how to develop a CoME platform capable to help senior to self-manage their health by means of healthy goals supported and personalized by formal caregivers through CoME and at the same time providing early identification of MCI risk. This application has currently release its second prototype and trials in Spain, Hungary and The Netherlands are taken place with more than 120 of users (covering elderly, informal and formal caregivers). In the meeting the schedule for the next prototype, features improvement, next trials and initial business planning are the main issues discussed.

(English) Start of trials in Hungary

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in Amerikaans Engels.

CoME leaflet

With the aim of transmitting CoME functionalities and outcomes to the widest possible audience and through the biggest number of possible channels, a leaflet to disseminate CoME in different dissemination events has been created: