
CoME consists of three different applications, for three different types of users:




Formal Caregivers


Informal Caregivers
  1. Application for seniors:

    • Improved self-management of health by setting personalized goals;
    • Detection of the presence of risks on MCI development;
    • Support on customization of goals and learning a healthy lifestyle, provided by CoME professional caregivers;
    • Monitoring of health status through brain games, self-reports – e.g. mood assessment – and wearable sensor (smart watch);
    • Insights into personal trends, based on monitoring data and achievement of goals.

  2. Application for professional caregivers:

    • Possibility to support seniors, by giving recommendations on the customization of their goals;
    • Possibility to coach seniors in behavior change for a healthier lifestyle;
    • Weekly reports for individual seniors, based on monitoring data (e.g. self-reports and wearable sensor);
    • Functionality to create tutorials to guide and support informal caregivers in their tasks;
    • Access to the CoME community, where information can be shared with other (professional and informal) caregivers.

  3. Application for informal caregivers:

    • Insights into the care of seniors (if allowed by them):
      • Access to reports provided by formal caregivers;
      • Insights into trends and detection of risks on MCI development;
      • Possibility to record tutorials for other (occasional) caregivers through ‘Augmented Reality’.
    • CoME community:
      • Access to tutorials and guidelines about MCI and other relevant health issues;
      • Access to support on a forum of professional and informal caregivers;
      • Possibility to contact occasional informal caregivers for support with care tasks.